Online Therapy

Online Therapy at Spring Forest Counseling

Online therapy is a great way for individuals to receive professional counseling services from the comfort of their own home. During the current national health pandemic, remote therapy is great for individuals to stay healthy physically and mentally, by receiving the same great counseling support without the risk of being close to other people for an extended period of time.

Online therapy is also a healthy way for those with a busy schedule to still receive counseling services. Individuals who live far away from the counseling location, or don’t have time to commute and sit down with a counselor, can utilize the benefits of online counseling to still receive the services they need. Please make sure you are in a private location without disturbances during your scheduled session. This ensures your privacy, and allows you to get the most out of your session with your counselor.

woman during her online therapy sessionSpring Forest Counseling offers the same professional counseling services that are offered in our office online so that everyone can receive the counseling services they need in the way that works best for them. Our remote therapy sessions can take place over the phone or via video chat, so that the counselor and the client can still communicate well and develop a trusting relationship to help the client create healthier habits for a happier life.

To learn more about the online therapy services offered at Spring Forest Counseling, contact us today. Our goal is to provide excellent and compassionate counseling services to everyone who needs it, both online and in person.

Frequently Asked About Online Therapy

Online therapy works just like in-person therapy, only you don’t have to come into the office. Online therapy sessions utilize technology, either over the phone or on a computer, to connect the counselor with the client and discuss the necessary counseling topics. All counseling sessions are still HIPAA-compliant, and privacy is always a top priority. Anything shared during the duration of the virtual therapy sessions is protected just like it would be in the office.

Online therapy sessions differ depending on the needs of both the counselor and the individual receiving the counseling. Speak with your desired counselor to choose an online counseling tool that works best for both parties. Some individuals may choose to use a video chat platform, in order to talk face-to-face, while others may prefer a simple phone call. Virtual therapy offers a degree of anonymity for individuals who struggle to sit down and discuss difficult emotions in person, while also offering individuals the opportunity to receive counseling in a location where they feel most comfortable.

Benefits of Online Therapy

Convenience of incorporating counseling into a busy schedule

Accessibility to a larger group of counselors

Accessibility to counseling services for those with physical limitations

Comfort of being able to talk at home, or a location that is known and comfortable to the individual

Anonymity, by being able to speak with a counselor over the phone without face-to-face interaction

Variety of ways to communicate with the counselor

Online Therapy & COVID-19

COVID-19 has forced everyone to stay home more often and create a new “normal” way of living. Many employees are learning to work remotely, from a new home office, and families are restructuring their ways of balancing work, school, sports, and activities all from their home. These times can be stressful for everyone, and the inability to leave home and interact with other people can cause many people to feel new emotions that are difficult to process and handle in a healthy way.

Online therapy during the COVID-19 pandemic is a great way for individuals to process the difficulties associated with new life changes in a healthy way. Speaking with a counselor about the new stresses and challenges of life allows individuals to process emotions and develop an excellent set of skills for handling challenges with a healthy, positive perspective.

woman in an online therapy sessionDuring the new requirements for safety, it’s difficult to feel in control of your own life. Take control of your mental health by speaking with a trained counselor online from the comfort of your home. Online therapy can help individuals discover a more positive outlook during a scary, challenging time, but can also help families create a healthy home structure during emotional, stressful times.

Adults are not the only ones facing new hardships with the COVID-19 pandemic. Children are also struggling with the cancellation of their favorite activities, and the inability to spend time with all of their friends. It can be difficult for a young child to understand why they are having to face so many challenges, and the home environment can become tense as everyone reacts to changes differently. Online family therapy is a great way for families to discuss openly with a counselor their emotions and difficulties from staying at home, and create healthy ways of supporting one another in the home as a team.

Spring Forest Counseling

Spring Forest Counseling offers professional counseling services remotely, so that everyone can have access to counseling services when they need them. Our counselors will work with each individual to find the best platform for online counseling so that both parties feel comfortable and confident receiving counseling online.

Spring Forest Counseling & Wellness offers tele-therapy for clients who are unable to carve out extra time in their day to focus on themselves, those with transportation issues, busy schedules, or those with limited access to resources. While we love having clients in our office, we understand that sometimes it is easier for us to come to you.

Online therapy can benefit individuals, families, and couples who are struggling with challenges or hoping to improve their mental health with healthier emotional skills. Contact us to learn more about our online therapy or online counseling services or to schedule a counseling session today.

Therapy and Your Privacy

The therapists at Spring Forest Counseling respect your privacy. The information shared in an online therapy session is strictly confidential. The relationship between the counselor and the individual is based on trust, compassion, and respect, so that each individual feels comfortable in the therapy environment. Please make sure you have a private location without disturbances during your scheduled session. This ensures your privacy, and allows you to get the most out of your session with your counselor.

​To learn more about individual therapy and to talk with a professional counselor in the Lansing, Michigan area, contact Spring Forest Counseling today.

Online Therapy with Spring Forest Counseling

Spring Forest Counseling offers professional and compassionate individual therapy services for everyone. Our counselors are experienced and licensed professionals with the necessary skills to help individuals lead a healthier and happier life. We don’t discriminate nor judge anyone based on their race, gender, or sexual orientation. Our goal is to provide excellent counseling and therapy services where individuals can feel safe and comfortable.